why we need feminisim in 2021

4 min readFeb 16, 2021

why do we need feminisim? what is feminisim? why is it so important? What is feminism about? how can you help? what can you do to be a feminist?

feminist: someone who believes in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes.

What is feminism?

A common mistake people make about feminism is thinking it's a competition between Women or Men, or Women thinking they are better than Men whatsoever. but that's completely wrong!

Feminisim is believing in the power of women just as much as the power of men. It's about giving women the right to be treated equally to anyone else. It's not about making women strong because women already are strong it's about recognizing it and acting by it. feminisim strives for the equality of Both sexes, not superiority for women. It's about taking down all these gender roles that have been around for decades, so they can live free and empowered without having to be tied down by the restrictions.

What should we fight for?

“We need to live in a culture that values and respects and looks up to and idolizes women as much as men.” — Emma Watson

1. general gender equality:

let's look at the movie industry as an example, why is it always 2 or 3 men and 1 girl as the main characters? eg; harry potter, Maze Runner, Percy Jackson, or in smurfs wheres there's one smurf surrounded by the village of men. however when the new movie ‘ ghostbusters’ where the main characters were all women, men freaked out.

We as a culture, need to break down the wall that's keeping women from achieving all the wonderful stuff they are able to do because women don't belong in the kitchen. Women don't belong anywhere except an environment that empowers them just as they do to a man.

2. Appearance

Women are expected to look the best at all times much more than men are. It is ok if you see a man wear the same pair of jeans 3 times a week but if a woman did it we judge her far more and say judgemental comments when it has nothing to do with us in the first place.

3. work?

All over the world women are concentrated in low-productivity, low-paying jobs. Employes favor men over women because they think they can perform better on average at certain tasks.

4. the environment

— Women are in more danger in any public place than men are. That is not something that can be argued with, it is a fact.

— 65% of women reported having been the victims of street harassment in their lives.

— 75% of women in a professional capacity or in top management jobs experienced sexual harassment in their lifetime. The world began to see not only how society has failed to protect women, but also where governments have failed to protect their citizens.

Sexual harassment in the workplace not only is an unacceptable behavior, it is also detrimental to the economy. It impacts employees’ physical and psychological health and also leads to higher employee turnover and increased absenteeism. Recent studies have associated it with a decrease in companies' returns and profitability, and ultimately in women’s labor force participation. In fact, gender inequality and discrimination in the labor market are directly correlated with the absence of legislation protecting women from sexual harassment. Over 70% of women who have been sexually harassed at work do not report it to their supervisor, and only half of those who do feel that their complaint is properly handled.

there are many more reasons why we still need feminism, but by becoming a feminist you could help for a change.

How do I become a feminist?

By believing that women and men are equal, by fighting for women's rights. you become a feminist.

And I personally don't think we should name people who believe in the rights of both women and men the same “feminists” we should just call them normal people and call anti-feminist “a sexist” person that values men over women for no reason and objectifies women.

— Lilian. N

